The Future Of Beauty: “Personalized Beauty Treatments With Genetic Testing” With Dr Erika Gray of T

The Future Of Beauty: “Personalized Beauty Treatments With Genetic Testing” With Dr. Erika Gray of ToolBox Genomics

I believe everyone should have their genes sequenced. Our genes are the instruction guide to our unique bodies but we only test them when we are very sick or have had difficulty finding answers to our health conditions. We would never attempt to put together a complicated piece of furniture without instructions, but we regularly make decisions about supporting our bodies without using our own personal blueprint. For example, having information about how our detoxification pathways work or where we might have nutritional deficiencies from a genetic standpoint can mean the difference between a thriving life or a mediocre life.

As a part of our series about how technology will be changing the beauty industry over the next five years I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Erika Gray.

Erika Gray, PharmD, is a UCSF trained pharmacist, educator, national speaker and the co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of ToolBox Genomics. She has spoken extensively about the role of genetics in various health conditions and beauty on a variety of platforms including podcasts and national TV. Having had several years of experience in both in-patient pharmacy and emergency room, Dr. Gray realized the importance of helping patients understand their biomarkers and genetics early in their health journey.

Currently, Dr. Gray acts as a preceptor for UCSF pharmacy students and lives in the bay area with her husband and two children.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

As a little girl I dreamed of following in Jane Goodall’s footsteps and tracking primates through the jungles. Those dreams were re-examined after my diagnosis of endometriosis (an inflammatory condition in the pelvic region that manifested as lesions on my pelvic wall and ovary) as a teenager. After back-to-back surgeries, I had a third relapse and my ob-gyn would not perform another surgery. I had to figure out plan B because conventional medicine could not help me. Thankfully, my nutritionist worked with my OB-GYN and suggested compounded natural progesterone in addition to diet and lifestyle changes. I became fascinated with the use of bio-identical hormones and decided to pursue a path in pharmacy where I could directly impact the lives of women similar to myself.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

As a pharmacist, I had the opportunity to work in the Emergency Department. To my delight, I was required to attend traumas, codes and assist with patients who had complex medical needs. One day we received a call that an ambulance was bringing in a woman who was unresponsive with a history of diabetes, glaucoma and kidney disease. Unfortunately, she had a massive heart attack and we were unable to resuscitate her. Later, one of the medical assistants brought me two huge trash bags filled with her medications and asked if I could dispose of them. I opened box after box of unopened insulin; I found thousands of blood pressure pills, bottles of glaucoma drops and more. I was absolutely incredulous at the quantity of medication she did not take. All I could think was “how could I impact peoples’ lives to improve medication adherence and more importantly, how could I help people realize, decades earlier, how they could change their lifestyle to prevent what I saw with Patient Z.”

Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

My tipping point did not come from financial success, rather it was a personal milestone. For many months, I felt terribly inadequate in my knowledge of genetics. I quickly became very good at extensively researching different topics prior to meetings, but I could never shake the feeling of imposter syndrome, especially in high level meetings with clinicians who had been in the field for decades. One day, I had an exploratory partnership meeting arranged with a medical director, who was also a geneticist, to demonstrate there was adequate research to support our work with nutrigenomics. At the end of the call, the director complimented me on my knowledge of the material and my supporting information. He even thanked me for highlighting additional information he was not familiar with.

After this meeting, I realized that as long as I could intelligently speak and support the core science behind my company I would be OK. In a rapidly changing field, it is more important to be able to think nimbly and make connections that others may not make, rather than having all the answers. A flexible mind and mindset will make all the difference.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

My husband has been my biggest, realistic cheerleader. I say realistic because he constantly challenges my ideas, pushing me to explain my thoughts in a more constructive and cohesive manner. He never told me I had a good idea, unless I could demonstrate to him that my idea was solid, which led to a reluctance to share my ideas. Recently, I had complex intrapersonal conflicts with our team that threatened the stability of the company. My husband was the first person I turned to for advice. The caliber and quality of the advice he provided rivaled any high-powered performance coach. After an umpteenth conversation about another conflict, I looked at him and asked, “have you always had this level of knowledge and I was not open to hearing you? Or is this a new skill set you recently cultivated.” His answer was fascinating. He said, “I have had much of this knowledge over these years, but it is your recent ability to ask thoughtful, strategic, managerial type questions that have allowed me to tap into this information to help guide you better.” My husband’s ability to be so present and intellectually thoughtful, brought an entirely new level of respect, depth and intimacy to our relationship, even after fifteen years of marriage. With his help, I was able to tap into the necessary skills needed to guide the team.

Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. The beauty industry today has access to technology that was inconceivable only a short time ago. Can you tell us about the “cutting edge” (pardon the pun) technologies that you are working with or introducing? How do you think that will help people?

One word: personalization. Beauty based companies are looking for ways to personalize the experience, the product and the outcome for their users in an effort to stand out with their user base. As a genetic testing company, we are in conversations with several companies who are interested in developing unique experiences for their users. As companies have realized that the ability to age gracefully is significantly influenced by genetics. For example, knowing if someone has a predisposition for age spots or increased collagen breakdown would yield a different product recommendation at an early age compared to someone who did not have the genetic predisposition. With the low price of genetic testing, beauty companies can add additional value to their consumers by helping them support their beauty from the inside out.

Keeping “Black Mirror” and the “Law of Unintended Consequences” in mind, can you see any potential drawbacks about this technology that people should think more deeply about?

Your genetics will only show your predisposition for a particular outcome. People still have to put in the work of caring for their body and nourishing themselves. You can speed up the aging process through environmental influences. For example, someone may have excellent skin genetics. As a result they believe they can smoke, drink or eat a diet high in processed foods because they don’t have the genes that age them faster. However, the environmental impact of their lifestyle will outweigh the excellent genetics.

In a further effort to personalize what an individual may look like, companies use AI programs or facial recognition software to show what you “might” or “could” look like if you use x or y product. Because software is very good at erasing flaws or imperfections, I’m concerned that people, women especially, will have an increased level of discontent with their face because it doesn’t match the computer generated projection.

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the “beauty-tech” industry?

  1. The use of laser technology to help stimulate collagen production, change gene expression and reduce age spots as well as pore size. Laser is an excellent option for people to explore who are looking for greater support for their skin beyond regular facials.
  2. Microbiome sequencing for our skin: people are realizing that our skin has a unique microbiome. Understanding our unique skin microbiome can help consumers select products that will nourish their skin microbiome.
  3. Collaborations between companies who combine clean, non-toxic ingredients with personalized skin/genetic assessment and technology that personalizes skin regimens that include: diet, supplements and lifestyle recommendations.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to reform or improve the industry, what would you suggest?

  1. The beauty industry’s success is based on people not feeling their skin is optimal or their skin is somehow flawed compared to the “standards” they see in magazines. I would love to see a greater emphasis on aging gracefully. There is a huge emphasis on anti-aging, wrinkle reversal, age defying products, yet very few companies ever focus on the foods or supplements that can help support skin pathways that play a role in aging.
  2. Only 2% of women in the world describe themselves as being beautiful. In other words, 98% of women do not believe they are beautiful. Women are constantly comparing themselves to the way other women look and pointing out their deficiencies. This frame of mind starts young. I see my 16 year old daughter’s friends constantly worrying about how they look and how hard they work to make sure they do not stand out from the crowd. I believe we have a moral obligation in the beauty industry to help change these statistics. We need to begin by focusing on what is going well for women, their face and their bodies. We need realistic role models for clothing and makeup. I believe this movement requires a fundamental change from women viewing themselves as flawed to having integral beauty that will change over time.
  3. Most makeup products do not list their list of ingredients or test their products for heavy metals. Our skin is our largest organ and is our first barrier to the environment. Yet we are constantly slathering it with various products that claim to make us more beautiful as a result. Unfortunately, in an effort to bring lower priced beauty products, many companies’ products contain traces of heavy metals and harsh chemicals. Many women, especially young women, do not realize that cosmetic companies are not focused on the safety of their products. Education is key, for example teaching people that cheaper does not necessarily mean it’s a wise choice. For example, there are derma rollers that come from certain countries that actually leave microscopic cuts in your face versus the microneedling. Terms such as “scientifically proven” may only mean the product was tested on skin cells in test tubes. We need to teach people how to read labels and to use medical grade products with ingredients you can understand.

You are an expert about beauty. Can you share 5 ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”? (Please share a story or example for each.)

  1. Being confident and proud of who you are. Many women with low self esteem do not see themselves as beautiful. They will unconsciously hunch their shoulders or make themselves appear smaller than they are.
  2. Great lighting. With so many people tele-commuting, use a selfie-ring or a light ring to help highlight your features and make your eyes pop
  3. Work with a stylist or a friend who loves clothes. Have them show you colors that are flattering with your skin tone and styles that fit your body today, not your body after a 10 or 20 pound weight loss.
  4. Smile! Smiles are infectious, especially when paired with good eye contact. The combination of a big smile and eye contact signals to other people you are engaged and interested which often causes them to reciprocate.
  5. You are what you believe. It may sound trite, but believing you are beautiful will change the way you view the world and the way people view you. Start by selecting specific features about your body that you can be proud of: your cute nose, your great eyes, your beautiful hands.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

I believe everyone should have their genes sequenced. Our genes are the instruction guide to our unique bodies but we only test them when we are very sick or have had difficulty finding answers to our health conditions. We would never attempt to put together a complicated piece of furniture without instructions, but we regularly make decisions about supporting our bodies without using our own personal blueprint. For example, having information about how our detoxification pathways work or where we might have nutritional deficiencies from a genetic standpoint can mean the difference between a thriving life or a mediocre life.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”~ Steve Jobs

From my endometriosis, to my unexpected pregnancy to my co-founding ToolBox Genomics, each instance seemed random and unexplainable looking forward. Only when I looked back at my life could I see the powerful role each dot played in shaping who I am today.

How can our readers follow you online?


IG: thegenewhisperer

LinkedIn: Erika Gray; toolbox genomics

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

The Future Of Beauty: “Personalized Beauty Treatments With Genetic Testing” With Dr Erika Gray of T was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The Future Of Beauty: “With VR You Can ‘Try On’ Cosmetic Procedures And Visualize Realistic…

The Future Of Beauty: “With VR You Can ‘Try On’ Cosmetic Procedures And Visualize Realistic Results” With Dr. William A. Kennedy III of of AEDIT

…We believe true beauty is unearthed by those who choose to be uniquely themselves rather than conform to a standard. We strive to inspire a movement that will empower everyone to be bold and challenge the preconceived notions of beauty by living by their own aesthetic.

As a part of our series about how technology will be changing the beauty industry over the next five years, I had the pleasure of interviewing William A. Kennedy III, MD.

William A. Kennedy III, MD, founder and CEO of AEDIT, is a world-renowned, board certified Head and Neck Surgeon and fellowship-trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.

Practicing for over 10 years, Dr. Kennedy’s experience and extensive list of credentials place him at the top of the most-trusted surgeons in his field. He is dedicated to giving his patients natural results using the most innovative and minimally invasive techniques offered in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery today. He is best known for his attention to detail, his commitment to research, and, most importantly, his devotion to his patients.

Over the years, Dr. Kennedy has set out to improve the aesthetic experience for patients through technology. In 2016, he founded AEDIT (pronounced “ed-it”). At the time, information on aesthetics was only offered in a limited and often biased way, hindering the process of discovering cosmetic solutions and aesthetic providers by making these decisions more complicated and confusing than they needed to be. Where to start? Who to trust? What’s even possible?

In response to these challenges, Dr. Kennedy created AEDIT to provide consumers with a single destination that offers trusted, unbiased, and medically approved content and tools in support of every step of the aesthetic journey, from discovery to recovery. It is the only technology-driven platform that delivers innovative self-service solutions and transforms complicated medical data into understandable information with easy-to-use tools and engaging resources tailored to each user — from visualizing their ideal aesthetic to searching for cosmetic solutions and booking with board certified providers.

Dr. Kennedy earned his BS from Boston University, MS from Boston University School of Medicine, and MD from the University of Vermont College of Medicine. Born in Massachusetts, he currently resides in Manhattan and practices at hospitals within the Greater New York City Area.

Thank you so much for doing this with us Dr. Kennedy! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Growing up, I was surrounded by those who dedicated their lives to helping others. My father was a mayor and my mother was a public school teacher. Their commitment to serving their community has always been a source of inspiration. The medical field was particularly appealing because I was able to combine my desire to help others with my interest in science and math.

Specifically, I was drawn to facial plastic surgery because it allows you to really make an impact on someone’s life. Being able to change or reconstruct an individual’s appearance can alter their life in a way few other things can.

Throughout my career, it became evident that many patients struggled through their aesthetic experience. They had difficulty understanding their options, didn’t know who to trust, and there was nothing out there that supported them along their journey. It was important to me to create a solution that would make sure anyone who is looking to undergo a cosmetic procedure didn’t feel discouraged or confused, but instead felt empowered.

I knew there was more I could do to be of help, which is why I founded AEDIT.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

As a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, I have helped many patients who have suffered from severe trauma to their face. One instance that stands out to me most was a 17-year-old female patient who had an unfortunate interaction with her dog, which resulted in a large part of her cheek being bitten off. While her trauma was not life-threatening, nor would it limit her functionally, she was understandably concerned from an aesthetic standpoint. Almost inconsolable, it was my role to help her feel as comfortable as possible and reassure her about all the unknowns she was experiencing. My ability to calm her and put a smile on her face was not a result of my suturing or surgical expertise; it was my confident demeanor as I explained the medical process and the reassurance I provided that I would be with her throughout her entire journey — all the way through recovery.

While no patient could prepare for this sort of instance, her experience reminded me of the importance of forming meaningful patient-provider relationships and making sure patients feel supported and cared for every step of the way. It is one of the many reasons why I founded AEDIT, and, now, it serves as a major part of our mission.

Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

Success for me is having a patient that is happy with my care. A “tipping point” in my career as a facial plastic surgeon happened over time as I began to realize more and more how I could ensure this level of happiness. While results are, of course. one of the most defining factors, the best care and service comes from a combination of delivering on expectations and forming a trusted relationship.

What has helped me reach this level of success is understanding the importance of looking at the bigger picture. It’s not just the outcome, but the process of how you get there. My patients are happy because they feel listened to and supported every step of the way.

I think a major takeaway from this is understanding a patient’s goal and working backward from it to figure out what the necessary steps are to reaching it. If I solely focused on my surgical skills and didn’t pay attention to how I communicated with my patients, then the odds of someone even booking with me would be very slim. Just offering a good result isn’t going to result in success. It’s the whole experience.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

There’s a dear friend of mine who has always been in my court: Matthew Camp, MD. We’ve known each other since before medical school, and he is definitely one of the main reasons why I am a doctor today. He encouraged me to pursue my passion and helped me through the med school application process. Since I can remember, he’s always been there for me and has supported me throughout each major chapter of my life.

Our bond comes from the similar challenges we’ve faced and the shared views and goals we both possess. Likeminded, we always talk about how we can help improve the lives of others and what technological advancements we can create to do so.

I’m grateful to have him in my life, as he has helped me maintain a positive perspective, even through the setbacks and struggles. One instance was when we both weren’t accepted the first time we applied to medical school. Although this was discouraging, he reminded me of my strengths and reasons for pursuing a career in medicine. Later, with his support, I excelled through school and was recognized as the top candidate for my fellowships in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Today, I call him anytime I have a new idea that I want to run by someone. Since the early days of AEDIT, we’ve spoken numerous times about the product and its mission. It’s rewarding to have his support.

Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. The beauty industry today has access to technology that was inconceivable only a short time ago. Can you tell us about the “cutting edge” (pardon the pun) technologies that you are working with or introducing? How do you think that will help people?

Today’s patient is much more independent and informed due to the surplus of information that is readily available at our fingertips. Compared to years past, we are seeing more patients that are *certain* of the results they want to achieve or the procedure they are looking to undergo. As a result, the problem we are experiencing is the influx of misinformation and unrealistic expectations.

As a way to address this situation, we set out to create not only a platform that would offer medically approved and easy-to-understand information, but also a 3D aesthetic simulator — The AEDITOR — that allows users to virtually “try on” cosmetic procedures and visualize realistic results right from the palm of their hand.

It is definitely a monumental product to enter the aesthetics space. We launched this tool as an iOS app and immediately generated a large user base — even without a big marketing push. This is the first of its kind to be created for consumers, as all other realistic and medically accurate morphing technologies are only available in the practices of medical professionals.

With the AEDITOR, consumers are in control of their morphing experience and can use the app whenever and wherever they please. The simulator scans and measures the user’s facial features to create a completely individualized experience and produce results that are truly obtainable.

We see this helping patients along their aesthetic journey. For example, it can improve patient-provider communications, especially the typical consultation conversations today that are often focused on the unobtainable results of other facial filter apps and tools that many patients are hoping to achieve.

Keeping “Black Mirror” and the “Law of Unintended Consequences” in mind, can you see any potential drawbacks about this technology that people should think more deeply about?

I think we are already experiencing the consequences of technology with the rise of “Instagram Face” — a newly coined term used to describe how social media, facial morphing apps, and plastic surgery has created a certain desired look that is causing a lot of people to look, well, the same.

The purpose of our morphing technology is the inverse of this. We want people to visualize results that are personalized to them and their features. That said, it is very likely people may try to achieve a morphed look similar to someone else, so there could definitely be an unintended consequence of creating more sameness as a result.

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the “beauty-tech” industry?

The beauty-tech space allows consumers to engage with the industry in a whole new way. For example, our product will open up the world of aesthetics to every layperson by breaking down the barriers that typically prevent its access. This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for technology.

Overall, I am most excited about the space because:

  1. Technology is revolutionizing the beauty industry and placing more emphasis on personalized experiences and giving consumers the opportunity to be in more control of their beauty decisions, whether that be virtually trying on lipstick before purchasing or, in our case, trying on a cosmetic procedure before booking a consultation.
  2. Technology is allowing more access to all that the beauty industry has to offer, including aesthetics. It has allowed us to make it easier for consumers to get trusted information and find answers in a matter of clicks.
  3. The reach of technology is incredible. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to connect with as many people and as many different regions as we are able to now. It’s particularly interesting in the aesthetics space, as there are different cosmetic trends depending on the area of interest and we are able to interact and provide the right information based on this.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to reform or improve the industry, what would you suggest?

  1. Accessibility is a double-edged sword. While it is great that technology has made the beauty industry more accessible in so many ways, I think it can also create consumer demand and control that may present challenges.
  2. Security issues are often a major topic when it comes to technology. The more consumers are asked to provide personal information, the more issues the beauty-tech industry may face unless stricter privacy measures are implemented. This is definitely something I would suggest as an improvement.
  3. Understanding that technology can supplement but not replace human touch, especially when it comes to aesthetics.

You are an expert about beauty. Can you share 5 ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”? (Please share a story or example for each.)

  1. Take care of your body — Being in the medical field, I always encourage patients to take care of themselves and keep healthy by adopting an active lifestyle and eating well. I think the better you feel, the more beautiful you feel, too.
  2. Get enough rest — Beauty sleep isn’t a made-up thing. Sticking to a routine sleeping schedule is important for your body and mind.
  3. Stress-relieving activities — The more stressed we are, the harder we often are on ourselves. Find a good stress release and be easy on yourself!
  4. Flaunt your features — We all have features we like about ourselves, and those that maybe make us self-conscious. Focus on flaunting the ones you love
  5. Express yourself — Style is an expression of who we are. Getting dressed in clothes that make you feel like yourself can also help you feel good and beautiful.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :

At AEDIT, we believe true beauty is unearthed by those who choose to be uniquely themselves rather than conform to a standard. We strive to inspire a movement that will empower everyone to be bold and challenge the preconceived notions of beauty by living by their own aesthetic.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“There is no such thing as failure if you don’t give up.”

I’ve always tried to live by this quote. Throughout my life, a passion of mine has been learning about technology and how it can help us care for others. I was able to focus on this when I studied biomedical engineering and now as a facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and founder of AEDIT. Being raised in a family where math and science weren’t necessarily the focus, it was often a challenge to teach myself and comprehend the medical world. Although it was difficult, through perseverance, I was able to excel in these areas.

One of the reasons I founded AEDIT was to empower people with the necessary tools to learn about all that the aesthetics industry has to offer and, in doing so, give them the confidence to make informed decisions.

How can our readers follow you online?

Readers can follow us on social media (@aedit) and subscribe to our weekly newsletter via

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

The Future Of Beauty: “With VR You Can ‘Try On’ Cosmetic Procedures And Visualize Realistic… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.