Wisdom From The Women Leading The Cannabis Industry, With Kara Kelly, Summer Rice & Monica Reese of…

Wisdom From The Women Leading The Cannabis Industry, With Kara Kelly, Summer Rice & Monica Reese of Lure

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Great marketers don’t necessarily make great cannabis marketers- you see this across the board. A lot of executives and marketers have jumped ship moving over to the cannabis industry. They have tried to layer on marketing plans that work for other industries but the reality is because of cannabis’ limitations in terms of marketing you really have to write an entirely new playbook.

As a part of my series about strong women leaders in the cannabis industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Monica Reese, Kara Kelly, and Summer Rice. Founders of Lure.

Monica Reese: Design, Production, Sourcing

20+ years of problem solving through design- thinking with a unique combination of ideas and execution. Expertise in sourcing, growth and an HGTV featured designer that loves creating beautiful products and environments.

Kara Kelly: Strategy, Finance, and Operations

Over 25 years solving growth, innovation and profitability challenges for leading retail and consumer goods brands such as Nike, Sephora,Gap and Best Buy; trilingual global business leader; financial and physical wellness devotee.

Summer Rice: Branding and Marketing

Art History foundation with focus on the creation of a visual voice for brands. Recognized as top

4% achievers for billion-dollar female-focused product marketing and sales company. Lover of all things coastal and organic.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the “backstory” about what brought you to the cannabis industry?

As GenX women, we found ourselves in a stage of life where we are balancing a lot and at times that can be really stressful. We are raising our kids, working, maintaining our households, and taking care of our aging parents with menopause creeping in to boot. We needed a tool to help us manage our stress, aid in better sleep and alleviate some of our body pains on a daily basis. We all wanted something not just to “wind down” at the end of the day but something to pepper in throughout the day as needed. All three of us had already harnessed the power of botanicals within our beauty routines and so when cbd was introduced to us as a tool to support some of these needs states we knew that would be a key ingredient in our formulations.

(Summer Rice)

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I think the most interesting thing to date has been the steep learning curve in terms of fundraising and marketing in the space. All three of us have had success in various parts of design, finance and marketing but synthesizing these skills and applying it to our own brand, in a very restrictive industry proved challenging. It’s funny, we could all recognize how many of our friends had excelled in their different industries but we had this unique opportunity to really sit down and learn about their superpowers and how we could apply it to different aspects of our business. We quickly realized that in opening up and being vulnerable enough to say “ I don’t understand about (x) aspect of the business” how responsive our friends would be to give us mini masterclasses on their specialty. This led to a really important arc of friends becoming advisors and ultimately investors. We believe it is imperative to really trust that whomever is investing in your company is not only thinking about the bottom line but is thinking about your needs as Founders.

(Kara Kelly)

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

One of our funniest mistakes (well we can laugh at it now) was when we had our big moment to officially launch our website. We had created it ourselves- it was simple and beautiful and marked a big step in officially launching our brand. We hit the “live” button, but to our dismay, we immediately got a message from Shopify stating that they do not process payments for CBD. We eventually solved this issue through an arduous process of finding a third party payment platform. Our takeaway from this was that what are usually standard and easy steps in a non-cannabis related business, can turn into a complex maze within cannabis.

( Monica Reese)

Do you have a funny story about how someone you knew reacted when they first heard you were getting into the cannabis industry?

It’s really interesting to see how people respond to us being in the cannabis industry. My harshest response came from my sister. She flat out said, “I will never try CBD,” fearing that it was potentially addictive and that it would actually impact my social life. Even after I educated her on all of the health benefits and quelled any fears of addiction she was still a hard “no.” It goes to show that the long standing anti-cannabis messaging that was programmed into previous generations still takes a lot to dismantle.

On the flip side, my 10 year old son couldn’t wait to tell all of his friends about Lure because he said, “their moms are very stressed out, and they could really use some CBD!” I get a kick out of watching mom’s in my friend group realize they can skip the wine at night and wind down with our Lure CBD oil.

(Summer Rice)

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

We are fortunate to have a super strong community of advisors, but from early on, fellow female founder Sara Happ of Sara Happ Beauty has been unbelievably generous. She took us under her wing and showed us the ropes. From sharing contacts in her supply chain to introducing us to other female founders, Sara believed in us and our products.

( Kara Kelly)

Are you working on any new or exciting projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Yes, we are in awe over the groundswell of interest in our brand. Currently we are continuing to expand our sales relationships with our current line and getting some incredible exposure in press and events which allows us to speak directly to our core consumer or 40+ women. We are also excited to expand our roster of products and will be launching a few products focused for the body, bath and a daily gummy for whole-body balance. We are an (inner) beauty brand so as we develop new products we start with our own needs, then think about how that ripple’s out to our communities needs and then innovate from there. We also will be rolling out some elevated packaging and new brand design elements which put sustainability and functionality as key considerations.

( Monica Reese)

Ok. Thank you for all that. Let’s now jump to the main core of our interview. Despite great progress that has been made we still have a lot more work to do to achieve gender parity in this industry. According to this report in Entrepreneur, less than 25 percent of cannabis businesses are run by women. In your opinion or experience, what 3 things can be done by a)individuals b)companies and/or c) society to support greater gender parity moving forward?

I am so glad you asked this question. I would say the greatest challenge we are facing is lack of access to capital. It has been well documented that women-owned businesses in this space often receive less funding and fewer resources — such as mentorship and strategic guidance — than our male counterparts. That’s why it was such a watershed moment for us to secure our last round of funding since access to capital is such a critical component of taking a brand to the next level.

At the individual level we need to give more women a seat at the decision making table without repercussions for family responsibilities. We need to switch the narrative within our circles to an understanding and awareness that a whole person can have a career, relationships and family and that does not take away from a person’s value and ability to drive business.

In terms of society, I am encouraged by the initiatives surrounding social equity that are emerging. I think identifying the obstacles standing in the way of a more equitable industry is the first step and then creating state by state initiatives that address these issues is the most strategic way to go. The brands leading in practice and posturing to government and society around social policy and equity.

( Kara Kelly)

You are all “Cannabis Insiders”. If you had to advise someone about 5 non intuitive things one should know to succeed in the cannabis industry, what would you say? Can you please give a story or an example for each.

  1. Great marketers don’t necessarily make great cannabis marketers- you see this across the board. A lot of executives and marketers have jumped ship moving over to the cannabis industry. They have tried to layer on marketing plans that work for other industries but the reality is because of cannabis’ limitations in terms of marketing you really have to write an entirely new playbook.
  2. Trust your gut- you know what smells best. You know what looks good. You know if you are being sold snakeoil. Your gut got you to this place, now listen to it.
  3. Your tribe ( consumer) is your greatest research panel- most brands speak about community. But there is no greater investment than creating authentic close relationships and being vulnerable with them about how you envision the brand growing. Share new product ideas, packaging, ingredients, and event ideas. They will give it to you straight and already have an inherent investment in the brand.
  4. Disagree with your partner’s point of view frequently ( but respectfully)- in our case, at our core the three of us are aligned with our vision and our drive. But it is in the moments that we disagree that we really benefit from being partners. We call the moments when we express our deepest thoughts and most honest input, Radical Candor. Being able to pressure test ideas, share our very unique ideas on priorities all help strengthen every aspect of Lure.
  5. If you don’t feel genuinely lucky to work with this plant, walk away- if you think that this is going to be a cash grab, my oh my, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Most brands fail in this space, and if you don’t have a true reverence for the plant and how it can really affect change in people’s lives you won’t connect with your consumer in a way that is imperative for survival in this space.

(Summer Rice)

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the cannabis industry?

  1. Harnessing the other cannabinoid compounds from the plant and what that offers in terms of benefits
  2. CBD being viewed as key to a daily clean beauty routine
  3. The opportunity for people of color and women to benefit from the huge financial rewards of the industry

( Monica Reese)

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to reform or improve the industry, what would you suggest?

  1. Access to capital for female founders– Women often work twice as hard to get half as far. Product businesses are notoriously capital intensive. Women need access not only to financial backing, but also business mavericks that will share networks, resources and ideas. Venture capitalist and senior business leaders just need to make supporting women a priority and tie their legacy to helping women succeed.
  2. Shine a light on Black-owned products, especially CBD brands. We believe that supporting Black-owned businesses ultimately supports the community, builds independence and creates assets that can proudly be passed along for multiple generations. We want to help shape and inform initiatives to raise the visibility for beauty and wellness brands across the board. An initiative that provided visibility to our brands was The 15 Percent Pledge. They introduced us to Madewell and we are now on their platform. The trust that people have for Madewell’s brand is now extended to us. That is a game changer.
  3. Social justice reform — Black and brown people who have been involved with cannabis have been persecuted and judged for decades. Research shows that despite comparable usage rates between Black and white people, Black people are 4–10x more likely to be convicted of a marijuana based crimes. There were several programs put into place that were meant to give people convicted of marijuana crimes an opportunity to build legal businesses, but they have largely proven to be ineffective. Those programs need to be revamped with access to capital, mentors who can guide through the maze of unregulated structures and true partnerships that bolster visibility of the brands.

(Kara Kelly)

What are your thoughts about federal legalization of cannabis? If you could speak to your Senator, what would be your most persuasive argument regarding why they should or should not pursue federal legalization?

I think cannabis being declared an ‘essential business’ during Covid points to the inevitable and long overdue need to federally legalize. This essential distinction means we look at cannabis ( medical) in the same way as grocery stores and pharmacies- it is a key component in our healthcare arsenal, it is key to our beauty regiments and it is as safe as our evening glass of wine. Unpacking the years of unfortunate and glaring falsehoods about the plant need to start on the federal level by signaling and pointing to the research both anecdotal and clinical.

( Monica Reese)

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“The soul is the essence of who and what we are. It is the lure of our becoming.” ~Jean Houston

This quote is all about being your true self, your soulful self. When we feel calm, healthy and joyful, we are connecting to that soulful self.

( Summer Rice)

You are each people of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

We want to change the way the wellness and beauty industry speaks to and develops products for the 40+ woman.

As a society, we tend to write women off once they reach a certain age, but guess what, we are not done, and we are not invisible. At Lure, We look at aging as a daily opportunity to feel better and know that we want sophisticated, healing brands that understand that beauty is not defined by an age. We want to create a movement to encourage woman to speak up about the rampant health disparity with topics like sexual wellness, shared pain points and overall wellness as we age.

( Summer Rice)

Thank you so much for the time you spent with this. We wish you only continued success!

Wisdom From The Women Leading The Cannabis Industry, With Kara Kelly, Summer Rice & Monica Reese of… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Female Founders: Suzie Carpenter of Savor by Suzie On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and…

Female Founders: Suzie Carpenter of Savor by Suzie On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and Succeed as a Woman Founder

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

In our world right now, we are undergoing a collective feminine rising — feminine energy is a beautiful balance to masculine. We need both — it’s yin and yang. Businesses are shifting, with conscious capitalism becoming more of the priority — that is what people relate to, feel good about, resonate with and trust. Tapping into this shift is one major reason for women to step up and become founders of their own businesses.

As a part of our series about “Why We Need More Women Founders”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Suzie Carpenter.

After 20 years of implementing a variety of dietary changes with her family, predominately a grain free diet that helped alleviate symptoms of autoimmune disease, gut issues and autism, Suzie Carpenter is the co-founder of the Savor by Suzie brand.

Eat to be your happiest self — the mantra Suzie taught her autistic daughter — is the passion behind the brand. At the core of the Savor by Suzie mission is the belief that just like every ingredient counts, so does every individual.

Suzie’s passion drives her focus on areas of product development, brand marketing and the company’s neurodiversity initiative.

Prior to launching the brand, as a nutrition consultant, Suzie worked with hundreds of clients to strategize how to implement dietary changes with ease. She is also the author of the book, On The Bright Side, A Mother’s Story of Love and Healing Through Autism.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

Absolutely! Our children are our inspiration. When our daughter was diagnosed with autism, Celiac Disease and numerous food intolerances, she and I became partners on a healing journey, using a diet recommended by her doctor. Watching the success of these changes, I became obsessed. I was reading labels and watching everything she ate to make sure she didn’t get sick or relapse.

The good news is that eventually I was able to teach her how to notice what was happening in her body so she could make her own decisions around foods that work for her or against her.

At the advice of friends who watched our journey, I went back to school to become a nutrition consultant so I could help others realize the same success we experienced.

As my own cooking style transformed into one that was extremely intuitive and focused on simple sustainable ingredients to bring out natural flavors in food, I began teaching cooking classes. This was a way to support my clients as well as to bring together women in the kitchen using food to ground us all.

Being a flavor maker, deliberately hand picking all of Savor by Suzie’s ingredients, is driven by my passion around the power of food.

Our family has been baking pretzels for over 40 years. We really wanted to create an allergen friendly pretzel with better for you ingredients that the whole family can enjoy. Bingo! We’ve created the best tasting pretzel that just happens to be gluten free, grain free, top 9 allergen free with zero grams of sugar!

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began leading your company?

A week after we launched our product at Stew Leonard’s stores in New England, we got a phone call from Stew. He said he wanted us to meet his nephew. A week later, we drove up to their store in Norwalk CT. We sat in Stew’s office and met with his nephew and his nephew’s wife. They shared with us some of the challenges they were having with their own son. All the of the memories of 20 years ago, when our daughter Kelly was diagnosed with autism came flooding back — and we realized that despite the organizations out there today, social media and other resources, parents still need other parents to lean on, commiserate with, confide in, and find compassion.

This is why we say autism is our superpower. It invites compassion into everything we do, It challenges us to see things in a new light, to respect all viewpoints, and to develop new ways of doing things. As we continue to grow, it is our dream to do more and more for and with this community.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Looking back at the funniest mistakes… I would have to say they were most definitely in my kitchen, while I was experimenting with different flavors. My intention is always to create seasonings free of MSG, sugars, starches or gums. But when I started, I really had no idea what I was doing!

For example, while working on our Lil Bit Spicy flavor, I bought a bunch of spices and vegetable powders to test. I wanted to create a flavor that had a hint of heat without being overwhelming. Trying to figure out how much of each and which powders to use was laughable for sure! Probably the jalapeno powder being the funniest — I opened the bag, stuck my nose in and boy was that a mistake! All I could smell for days was jalapeno powder!!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I can think of a lot of people that have helped me along the way — and probably the most supportive would be my husband, Scott. But by far my greatest teacher is our daughter Kelly. While it can be exhausting and overwhelming to be a parent of an autistic child (managing behaviors, services, schools, therapies, diet etc), truly autism has completely changed my view of the world.

Every single day I use the three P’s to help me stay aligned with our core values and mission — patience, presence and perseverance. And each and every one of our neurodiverse team members remind me of this too, they are here to teach us, not the other way around!

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. According to this EY report, only about 20 percent of funded companies have women founders. This reflects great historical progress, but it also shows that more work still has to be done to empower women to create companies. In your opinion and experience what is currently holding back women from founding companies?

Limiting beliefs engrained from a long history of inequitable access to resources and assets that our male counterparts have been privileged enough to have based on their sex alone. Societal norms and gender expectations have certainly imprinted in our minds how we ought to be living our lives based on gender. I grew up in a family with five sisters in a time when women’s roles were defined by many generations prior. Gender stereotypes and inequality were prevalent in the classroom, workplace and frankly everywhere in society. We were not encouraged to speak up, in fact quite the opposite.

YET, several studies not only show that women are better leaders than men but also prove that women-led organizations have more profitable results than ones headed by their male counterparts.

Gender bias is similar to what we are seeing with autistic adults not being welcomed in the workplace. Our goal is to shift workplace norms to support the neurodiverse and to realize the benefits of neurodiversity just like those of women in leadership roles.

Good news! Gen Z is tapping into this reality and have done a phenomenal job of combating gender bias and moving towards a less gender derived norm society.

Can you help articulate a few things that can be done as individuals, as a society, or by the government, to help overcome those obstacles?

I think we need more resources to support women in business and women entrepreneurs. Not just to encourage them with mentorship or coaching, but also to provide sound business advice. Teaming up with like-minded entrepreneurs or leaders can be hugely helpful too.

For me, I also find my personal practices to be extremely grounding and supportive. It is through trusting my own intuition, and trusting Savor to give me the signs and signals of where we are and what needs attention, that I build strength and clarity. I definitely recommend exercises around intention setting, energetic clearing and purposeful positioning. Then constantly revisit those so as to continuously align with your core values.

This might be intuitive to you as a woman founder but I think it will be helpful to spell this out. Can you share a few reasons why more women should become founders?

In our world right now, we are undergoing a collective feminine rising — feminine energy is a beautiful balance to masculine. We need both — it’s yin and yang. Businesses are shifting, with conscious capitalism becoming more of the priority — that is what people relate to, feel good about, resonate with and trust. Tapping into this shift is one major reason for women to step up and become founders of their own businesses.

Another reason is that working for yourself, following your passion and purpose is the most rewarding job you’ll ever have. There is one caveat though, being okay with failure is part of the process. That’s what keeps us grounded in why we do what we do!

What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about being a founder? Can you explain what you mean?

Two myths to debunk around being a founder:

Only young people can start a business

You need to know everything before you start

The first one, well that’s been disproved many times over! While there are some potential barriers to being older, the easiest way to solve them is to hire talent in the areas where you need help. The founder’s role is to be the visionary, to keep the business aligned with its core values at all times, by tuning in and asking a lot of questions. As I always say in our team meetings, “let’s get present with this”, which simply means being curious about all aspects of the business, what’s working, what’s not and why. Then you lead your team to take action in the right direction.

Starting a business doesn’t mean having to know everything or think of the next big idea. Leveraging what you are passionate about and tweaking that to create a value add for others, solve a problem, is what’s key. Even taking something that already exists and improving on it in some kind of creative way is a great idea! Often it’s the simplest ideas that are the most successful…

Is everyone cut out to be a founder? In your opinion, which specific traits increase the likelihood that a person will be a successful founder and what type of person should perhaps seek a “regular job” as an employee? Can you explain what you mean?

It is possible that not everyone is not cut out to be a founder. No doubt, it’s a lot of work and a risk-taking proposition that many people simply aren’t comfortable with. Some traits that I believe increase the likelihood of being a successful founder are openness to learning, willingness to fail, perseverance, flexibility, follow through, and believing so strongly in what you stand for that you’re not intimidated by anyone who says No to your product or idea.

Being a “regular” employee means being part of a team and all founders need good teams to support their idea, mission and help drive it towards success. So, if you are more of the type of person who likes predictability and structure, you may find your success in a position on the team rather than as the founder.

Ok super. Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why? (Please share a story or example for each.)

Little things all add up — consistently do the little things to see big things happen

TRUST the process and trust your idea, believe in your idea standing on its’ own

Don’t worry about your competition — use it to accentuate what’s unique about your product

Keep the big picture in mind, your WHY, at all times. Use it to let go of control and focus on what you want to see happen, the change you seek

People will resonate with your story as much or more than your product

How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

We believe in giving back to autism and we do this in several ways. Day by day, simply by sharing insights from our team on social media or otherwise. We plan to share resources on our website in the next 30 days that will be geared towards supporting the autistic adult community and their families.

In April, we had an autistic entrepreneur grant that we awarded to one individual which included the grant money as well as six months of mentorship with myself and the panel of judges, all working in the field of autism and neurodiversity. We hope to do this in an even bigger way as we scale and grow!

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

Hire at least one person with autism in your organization!

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

Female Founders: Suzie Carpenter of Savor by Suzie On The Five Things You Need To Thrive and… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Stephanie Weber: How To Develop Mindfulness During Stressful Or Uncertain Times

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Ask if they want to talk about it — If a friend shares that they are feeling anxious or you notice that they don’t seem like themselves lately, don’t hesitate to bring it up to them. Ask them if they are okay and offer space for them to talk about it. Also know that they might not be ready to talk, and that’s okay too. The most important thing is that you open the door to have that conversation when they feel ready.

As a part of my series about “How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Stephanie Weber.

Stephanie is a holistic transformation coach, 200-hour registered yoga instructor, mindful meditation facilitator, and sound healer. She empowers unfulfilled women to uncover their purpose and step into their power so they can create a soul-aligned life they LOVE! Stephanie started on her spiritual path after experiencing deep burnout from the corporate world and it completely transformed her life. Now she helps women who are feeling stuck to elevate their mindset so they can fearlessly follow their dreams!

Stephanie is the founder of Stephanie Weber LLC, a holistic coaching brand and online platform focused on helping women become the next-level version of themselves. She is also the host of The Inner Sunshine Podcast, which is dedicated to helping women embody their most authentic selves, live mindfully, cultivate abundance, and shine their light from the inside out!

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

Thank you so much for having me! I graduated from college with a degree in Marketing and went straight into the 9–5 corporate world out of school. However, I realized rather quickly that the office job life was not for me. I went through a difficult period in my early 20s where I was very depressed and felt completely lost. I had no idea what my purpose was on this earth, but I KNEW I was meant for more than sitting in a cube farm doing repetitive, mind-numbing work for the rest of my life.

About 5 years ago, I had an awakening when I hit my personal rock bottom. I was extremely burnt out and it started me on my journey to find deeper meaning and connection to life. I have spent the past several years investing in myself, continuing my education, and healing both physically and mentally.

I eventually left my soul-sucking corporate career to pursue my passions full-time. Since then, I have received 3 separate yoga teacher training certifications (Vinyasa, Sculpt, and Hot), my meditation teacher training certification, as well as my mindfulness coaching certification. I also became a sound healer and went back to school to pursue my dream career path in holistic health coaching and nutrition. I started my own soul-aligned coaching & sound healing business, and I now work with clients all over the world to help them elevate their mindset and live in alignment with themselves!

My healing journey completely transformed my life, and I have dedicated myself to helping other women do the same. That’s why I decided to become a coach — I want to help my clients uncover their passions and create their own personal path to happiness! Mindfulness, mediation, and sound healing also played an integral role in my transformation and I love being able to share these powerful holistic modalities with my clients and community.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

The most interesting thing that has happened to me since starting my career is how incredibly aligned I feel in my life. When I was working my corporate career, I used to live for the weekends and would try to escape my unhappiness in all kinds of destructive ways. I had the mindset that life was happening “to me” rather than “for me” and I was always searching for something to fill the void and the emptiness that was there from not doing the work that I was put on this earth to do.

Since I began listening to my intuition and following my dream of becoming a holistic coach and sound healer, I have experienced so many incredible synchronicities in my life, and I feel more aligned than I’ve ever felt before. I’m working with the most amazing clients, I’ve expanded my sound healing practice, and I lead weekly sound baths at a local studio in Chicago. I launched my dream podcast and have made so many beautiful connections by putting my voice out into the world. It’s been an incredible journey — and I’m just getting started!

What advice would you give to other leaders about how to create a fantastic work culture?

I have worked for many companies that have had a less than great work culture, and the number one piece of advice I have for other leaders is to create a work environment that respects employees and creates space for work-life balance. We’ve seen such a huge societal shift in our work culture over the past few years, and the outdated need for people to be in the office for 40 hours a week (or more) and live for the weekends is over. If your employees prefer to work from home and they get the job done, why force them to go into an office? The mental health and happiness of your employees should always be your number one priority.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

My favorite book is “Everything Is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo. This book changed my life when it came to uncovering my purpose and creating a more fulfilling life. Marie shares so many inspiring stories in her book of people overcoming adversity and doing the “impossible” in their lives and businesses. She has grown her coaching business to be one of the most recognized brands in the world, but she is incredibly honest about her journey and what it took for her to become the person and businesswoman she is today. There is something so refreshing about people who are honest about their struggles and are willing to share their stories of growth and overcoming challenges.

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s move to the main focus of our interview. From your experience or research, how would you define and describe the state of being mindful?

To me, being mindful is the practice of being deliberately and actively in the present moment without judgment. It’s a way to be fully aware of our everyday decisions and choosing to live out of intention rather than habit.

So many of us move through our days on autopilot — just going through the motions to get by. Mindfulness brings us back into the present moment and helps us focus on the task at hand, rather than having our minds wander in a million other directions. Stress is usually a byproduct of thinking about the past or worrying about the future. When we focus on the now, it helps us reduce stress, be more productive, and genuinely live happier lives!

This might be intuitive to you, but it will be instructive to spell this out. Can you share with our readers a few of the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of becoming mindful?

Mindfulness includes all facets of our lives including our mindset, how we interact with others, how we talk to ourselves and how we make our choices. Instead of constantly thinking of the future or of the past, mindfulness allows us to stay in the present moment and take things one step at a time. It has been scientifically proven to help lower stress, and there’s growing research showing that it can actually remodel the physical structure of your brain!

Mindfulness can have a profound impact on our health and happiness. With regular implementation of mindfulness in your everyday life, you will most likely start to see positive shifts in your mood, lower stress levels, and an improved sense of overall well-being.

Ok. Here is the main question of our discussion. The past 5 years have been filled with upheaval and political uncertainty. Many people have become anxious from the dramatic jolts of the news cycle. From your experience or research, what are five steps that each of us can take to develop mindfulness during such uncertain times? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Absolutely — here are 5 simple steps that we can take to develop a regular mindfulness practice:

1. Create a gratitude practice

This is one of my favorite exercises that I love to incorporate into my daily routine. Throughout your day, be observant of your routine & surroundings and find ONE new thing to be grateful for. Maybe you notice a beautiful bird on your walk, or maybe a stranger holds a door open for you? When you’re doing this exercise, not only do you feel the immense benefits of gratitude, but you’re also completely in the present moment. There is always something new to appreciate and there is no such thing as something too small to be grateful for!

2. Practice being mindful while doing mindless activities

Try staying present while doing a regular, mundane activity such as brushing your teeth or doing the dishes. Rather than thinking about your to-do list or things going on later in the day, try to focus on what is happening right now. What color is your toothpaste? What do you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel? This exercise is definitely easier said than done. There are so many tasks that we complete during our day on autopilot. See if you can focus on being present in the moment for just this ONE thing.

3. Practice mindfulness meditation

Meditation is the practice of training your attention and awareness to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm, and stable state. Mindful Meditation is a type of mediation where you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment without judgment. To do this, find a quiet space somewhere where you will not be distracted or interrupted for a few minutes. Find a comfortable seat with a tall spine either cross-legged on the ground, in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or lying down. Close your eyes or lower your gaze to minimize visual distractions and start to tune into your breath. Notice how your belly and chest move as you inhale and exhale. If you find that your mind is wandering, know that it’s totally normal! Gently bring your attention back to your breath each time this happens. Stay here as long as you want, and when you’re ready slowly open your eyes. Take note of how you feel in this exact moment.

4. Do less on purpose

In today’s society, people wear their busyness as a badge of honor. I remember I used to gloat about how busy I was when people asked me how I was doing because I thought being busy was equivalent to being successful or hardworking. Our brains are not computers — we are physically not built to multitask and jump from one task to the next and expect 100% efficiency with everything we’re doing. Doing more is not always better and taking time to rest and recharge does not make you lazy!

Take some time to consider the purpose behind your daily activities. Are you trying to pack as much in as you can, or are you giving yourself room to breathe, take breaks, and truly focus on the task at hand? Give yourself permission to do less to be fully present and notice how you feel afterward.

5. Practice having a beginner’s mind

If you’ve ever watched a baby being introduced to a new environment, you’ve probably noticed their eyes wandering around the room — completely captivated and intrigued by each detail around them. When is the last time you noticed your current surroundings with that same sense of wonder? Try spending a few minutes looking at the sights around you as if it were the first time you saw them. Do you notice anything different or new? What are the things you use daily that you usually take for granted?

From your experience or research, what are five steps that each of us can take to effectively offer support to those around us who are feeling anxious? Can you explain?

Here are 5 steps we can take to offer support to those around us who are feeling anxious:

1. Ask if they want to talk about it

If a friend shares that they are feeling anxious or you notice that they don’t seem like themselves lately, don’t hesitate to bring it up to them. Ask them if they are okay and offer space for them to talk about it. Also know that they might not be ready to talk, and that’s okay too. The most important thing is that you open the door to have that conversation when they feel ready.

2. LISTEN and hold space for them to speak and express their emotions

If they do open up to you, take time to listen to what they say rather than responding with judgment, or interjecting with support or solutions. You don’t always have to understand exactly what they’re going through or know how to fix it to be there for them. Sometimes sitting in silence and listening is the best way to show love and support.

3. Validate and show your support

It’s important to validate people’s experiences, rather than saying “just calm down” or “it’s not that big of a deal — you’ll be fine”. These kinds of phrases don’t help and can actually make the situation worse. Let them know that you are grateful they opened up to you and that you understand it’s not always easy to talk about how we’re feeling. You can also reassure them that they’re not alone and that you are always there for them if they need someone to talk to.

4. Ask how you can best support them (and offer logical advice ONLY if they are open to receiving it)

It’s important to ask them how you can best support them, rather than just offering suggestions such as yoga or meditation. Those tools are great, but they don’t work for everyone in every situation. The best way to offer support is to ask what they need in the moment. If they specifically ask for suggestions or help, then you can move forward with helping them explore options for seeking help — including seeing a mental health professional. Also, know that not everyone is ready to talk to a professional right away. If they’re open to it but aren’t sure where to start, you can help by researching therapists in the area or offer to drive them to their appointment.

5. Keep in touch

Sometimes the best help we can give someone who is feeling anxious is to make them feel less alone. Check-in every so often or invite them to meet you for coffee. Let them know you love them, and that you are always there for them if they ever need someone to talk to.

What are the best resources you would suggest for someone to learn how to be more mindful and serene in their everyday life?

There are many free resources available on YouTube if you’re looking for guided mindfulness meditations or exercises to practice. Some of my favorite mindfulness apps are Headspace, Calm, Aura, and Insight Timer. I also have several guided meditations on my own YouTube channel as well as a beginner’s mindfulness course available on my website!

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Do you have a story about how that was relevant in your life?

One of my favorite life lesson quotes is “You will never experience this version of you again, so give yourself permission to slow down and be with her”.

We often get SO focused on achieving, reaching goals, fixing things, and being productive that we don’t always give ourselves time to appreciate how far we’ve come and all that we have right here and now. Life isn’t always about achieving our goals — it’s about the person we become along the way. At one point in our lives, we dreamed about everything that we have right now. If we’re always focused on the future and thinking that the next moment is better than the current one, we will never allow ourselves to be truly happy.

One day you will look back on this moment and wish that you could live it again. Not because you want to do something different, but because you will wish you had enjoyed the moment more. There are always going to be things on your to-do list. There is always going to be a bigger goal, more money to be made, new mountains to climb, etc. But the true secret to happiness is to choose it every day. It’s a powerful reminder that even if you’re not exactly where you want to be yet, you can still appreciate where you are right now.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

Wow, thank you so much! My goal for my life and my business is to empower others to understand their full potential and live an aligned life. If I could start a movement, it would be to help as many women as I can to uncover their true purpose, leave their soul-sucking jobs, and create a fulfilling life that they’re excited to wake up to EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I want women to understand how powerful they are, and that there is so much more to life than working 40+ hours a week at a job you hate, just to retire at 70 and hope to live out your best years before you die. Life is happening NOW! Quit the job, start the business, go on the trip, and do more of the things you love. Life is so precious, and tomorrow is never promised to any of us. Know that everything you need is already within you. Go for it!

What is the best way our readers can follow you online?

Yes, please come say hi, and feel free to send me a message so that we can connect! You can visit my website at www.HeyStephanieWeber.com to learn about my coaching programs, listen to my podcast, access free guided meditations, and more!

Join my community on social media:

Instagram: www.Instagram.com/HeyStephanieWeber

Pinterest: www.Pinterest.com/HeyStephanieWeber

TikTok: www.TikTok.com/@HeyStephanieWeber

YouTube: www.YouTube.com/HeyStephanieWeber

Listen and subscribe to my podcast: www.TheInnerSunshinePodcast.com

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

Stephanie Weber: How To Develop Mindfulness During Stressful Or Uncertain Times was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Women In Wellness: Erin Sharoni Of FOXO Technologies On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help…

Women In Wellness: Erin Sharoni Of FOXO Technologies On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Be kind. Sounds trite, but true. There’s so much unkindness in this world and we live in a competitive culture that rewards winning at all costs. That’s a false economy. Kindness costs nothing. Don’t be a pushover, but always treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s the “golden rule” for a reason.

As a part of my series about the women in wellness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Erin Sharoni.

Erin Sharoni is the chief product officer (CPO) of FOXO Technologies Inc., a technology startup using the science of AI and epigenetics to reinvent the life insurance industry. Erin has more than 15 years of experience building products and brands in molecular health, media and finance. Prior to joining FOXO, she served at InsideTracker as a creative director. Erin’s previous television career as a television host and journalist included roles on NBC Sports Network, CNBC, CBS Sports and Showtime. She also sat on Ray Dalio’s Core Management Team at Bridgewater as a management associate. Her multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving is driven by a lifelong commitment to the intersection of science and art, and she is passionate about disruptive technology that improves the human experience. Erin holds a master’s degree in biology from Harvard and a bachelor’s degree with honors in studio art from Wesleyan University. She is currently a Master of Bioethics degree candidate at Harvard Medical School.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

Very happy to be here! I’m always looking for breakthroughs that help people live healthier and longer, and that includes nutrition, fitness, technology, biology, all of it. For my day job, I’m the Chief Product Officer of longevity science startup FOXO, where we use epigenetic science and cutting-edge technology to improve the human experience by supporting lifespan and healthspan. Before FOXO, I was a television host and journalist on NBC Sports Network, Showtime, CBS Sports and CNBC. I jokingly call myself a science geek and techno freak — I’ve always had a lot going on at once. I’m a DJ playing techno and house music, a visual artist and writer, a fitness and nutrition nerd, environmentalist, animal rights advocate, you name it. My elderly Italian Greyhound just turned 14-years-old. His name is Bodhi and I rescued him 8 years ago — I’ve been a strong supporter of animal shelters ever since. I have a master’s degree in biology from Harvard and I’m currently a Master of Bioethics degree candidate at Harvard Medical School!

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

As I mentioned, I have a lot of interests and passions, and I’ve always had a lot going on at once. I think the most interesting thing someone can do is to just keep pulling on the threads that interest them and follow them to see where they lead. I’ve always done this and it’s what has allowed me to pivot careers from finance, to television, to biotechnology. The way my television career happened is wild. Long story short, it was the peak of the financial crisis and, like many finance professionals under 30 in New York City, I had lost my job. The market was in the can and I was unsure of my next move, but I knew I wanted it to be something more creative than finance and more closely aligned with my artistic background. Someone at a party told me I should enter a fitness modeling competition for the brand FILA. There was a casting call the next day. I won and was featured in a national ad campaign. I thought it would be fun to be on television so I approached FILA’s marketing director and suggested that we do a “business of sports wear” pitch to CNBC. It worked and that’s how I ended up on CNBC for the first time, where I met the anchor who I would later go on to co-host NBC’s first sports business TV show with. Main lessons: Take risks and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want; create your own opportunities and leverage whatever luck comes your way; listen to your inner voice and follow the things that light you up. Some pretty cool stuff can happen.

Can you share a story about the biggest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I think this is a pretty standard life lesson, but I cannot emphasize it enough: Do not care what anyone thinks about you. I can’t point to a single mistake related to this, but I can think of plenty of times that I let this dictate a choice that I’m sure had downstream effects. We’re all guilty of making (or not making) decisions based on what other people think of us, or out of a desire to appear the way we think we ought to be. This is a recipe for unhappiness and hinders success. It’s important to be kind and compassionate, for sure. But be that way because it feels good, not because you feel obligated to appease others or because you think it will help you get ahead.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

At FOXO, we’re doing research and developing tools to help people live better, longer lives. We saw that life insurance — an antiquated, outdated industry — could desperately benefit from longevity science. So, we decided to revolutionize the product to educate and empower the consumer to take control of their lifespan. We like to say we’re reinventing life insurance the way that Tesla reinvented cars, and we’re using longevity science as our engine. Right now we’re using the science of epigenetics (your gene expression) along with our next-generation technology to make a bigger impact in the world. Health and wellness interventions need to be accurate but also accessible. Very few people will use complicated, cumbersome products that are difficult to manage. Our goal is to make it easy — spit in a tube, drop it in the mail, and receive a longevity report. It’s fast, painless, and free of charge to our customers. People don’t need to drive themselves to a lab for invasive, costly blood draws. No one wants to deal with that. Our aim is to reach more people and help them take control of their longevity using simple, biological-based insights.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.

Eat a predominantly plant-based diet. This is a main key to longevity, backed up by many scientific studies like the two cited here. You could live more than 10 years longer by making this change, says a recent study. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is. Most Americans have only about 10% of their diets comprised of plants — far from adequate.

Good news: Your genes are not your destiny! This means you have more control than you think. Your environment and everyday behaviors play a huge part in your health and wellbeing. Look to your epigenetics to help guide you in that journey.

Diversity for the win! Most people understand the importance of diversity in nature; the same goes for your microbiome. It’s critical for your health to have a diverse gut microbiome and you can accomplish this by introducing a wide variety of fiber-rich foods, spices, seeds, etc., into your diet. Research shows that eating over 30 different plants per week is beneficial; there are apps to help you track this.

What you put into your body is critical, but there’s more to boosting longevity. Stress-reduction and love are so important. Mind-body connection, maintaining healthy relationships with other people, and meditation or mindful breathing practices can be helpful.

What’s best for improving your wellbeing and longevity isn’t some shiny new wearable device or new drug. What’s best is actually pretty simple and inexpensive: Eat a predominantly plant-based diet, hydrate, avoid alcohol and drugs, have good sleep hygiene, maintain supportive relationships/community, and move your body more!

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

I would do what I’m doing now at FOXO. We truly believe this is the vehicle that’s going to help move the needle in a major way — life insurance should be about life, not death, right? Along with that, I am hyper-focused on bringing more transparency and ownership to people when it comes to longevity and life insurance. That’s why we allow people to download their own epigenetic data, for free, to see where and how their data is being used, and to easily opt out of any scientific studies. I’m glad the life insurance industry is finally having the conversations surrounding transparency and ownership when it comes to an individual’s personal health, but let’s really push the boundaries to encourage these leaders to put their money where their mouth is.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

You come first. Protect your time and your wellbeing or you’ll experience burnout, resentment, unhappiness, and illness. Like they say on the airplane, put your oxygen mask on first or you’re of no use to anyone else. Good employers understand and support this. I’m super grateful to work for a company like FOXO where this is a priority.

Don’t pay attention to what other people think of you. (see my earlier answer)

Be kind. Sounds trite, but true. There’s so much unkindness in this world and we live in a competitive culture that rewards winning at all costs. That’s a false economy. Kindness costs nothing. Don’t be a pushover, but always treat others the way you want to be treated. It’s the “golden rule” for a reason.

Practice the rule of 20. Before reacting to something that provokes a strong thought or emotion, first wait 20 seconds, then wait 20 minutes, and if needed, even wait 20 hours before responding. Thank me later.

Do not ever compromise your morals or what you believe in for anything or anyone, and especially not for money. Try to see things from the perspective of others, of course, but do not let their worldview dictate yours.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

All of them. Everything is connected and many people don’t realize that. We live in an integrated biosphere, where everything we do plays a part. What we eat, what we buy, and how we live among nature and alongside each other affect humanity’s well-being and the climate. There is no such thing as longevity in a vacuum. In fact, the things that will help keep us living better and longer are also best for the planet and all life on it. Consuming plant-based products, living more kindly towards others and ourselves, treating the environment with respect — these all yield broad benefits. This is how we bring longevity to all.

What is the best way our readers can follow you online?

Check out FOXO at FoxoTechnologies.com and you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter @erinsharoni.

Thank you for these fantastic insights! We wish you continued success and good health.

Women In Wellness: Erin Sharoni Of FOXO Technologies On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Lauren Czarniecki of Czar Interiors: 5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Bring the outside in — framing your windows in soft curtains or using shades that allow you to really optimize your outside view helps bring nature into the space and that is very grounding.

As part of my series on the “5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lauren Czarniecki.

Lauren Czarniecki is the Owner and Principal designer at Czar Interiors, a high-end design firm located in Delray Beach, FL. Lauren is known for creating spaces that align her background in Interior Design and Art History as well as her extensive world travel and experiences in Los Angeles, New York and South Florida. Her designs boast a neutral, clean and sophisticated look creating a calm and serene style for her clients without compromising luxury.

Thank you so much for joining us in this series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

I’ve pretty much been involved in Interior Design and construction my whole life. My dad used to take me to job sites when I was a little girl — he’s also in construction. I pushed back a little while I was in university, but ended up applying for the Interior Design program and got in. I realized how passionate I was about it while in school and studying abroad.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?

I think one of the most interesting experiences I have had is working with Kelly Wearstler in the beginning of my career and really being able to see her creative side and how she works to come up with some of the concepts, patterns, and designs she has created. It has really helped me as a designer to start with the conceptual and creative side of a project and bring the fun and life into our projects.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When I was in LA I was super excited to finally be able to go onto a job site for one of our projects we had been working on. As I was walking through, there were tile and wood installers near the entryway. We had a lot of beautiful patterned tiles in this house and for some reason I thought they were laying tile instead of wood floor and I accidentally stepped in the wood glue instead of the covered floor. It was kind of a mess but the installers helped me out and we all laughed. I told them not to tell anyone about it!

What did I learn? Watch where you step!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

We are working on some beautiful modern new construction homes right now in Boca Raton, Ft Lauderdale, and Delray Beach, FL. I love working on homes with clean lines and simple architectural styles — the devil really is in the details. When you have simple palettes and clean lines, you really focus on how things transition, what materials are being used, what textures are being used, etc. I work with my clients to create spaces that are warm, comfortable and inviting in spaces that still look like they were photographed for Architectural Digest.

I think that a lot of the current aesthetic has moved toward the look of cleaner lines, lighter and brighter spaces but I think our perspective and design lens brings the warmth back in — yes, we want you to have everything put in its place so to speak but we also design so that you can feel comfortable having your family sitting on the sofa, feet up, enjoying the Superbowl together without worrying that someone is going to mess up your home.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

My guru always tells me to Love and Serve. This quote has given me such perspective in my personal life but also in my work life and how I connect and work with clients, vendors, employees, etc. Yes of course you have to put yourself first so you have something to give, but after that I remember that I do what I do because I love it and want to help people love and feel comfortable and happy in their homes. I genuinely am here to love our clients, their homes or spaces, and serve to achieve the goals we have set out together.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I would say there are two people — most notably is designer Kelly Wearstler. The time I spent interning and assisting in her studio in LA was invaluable. I really learned how to research, see the world in a different light and find inspiration in the smallest details — her creativity is so inspiring and when I need a lift, I remember my time there and going back to step one to get creative again. The second person in Ryan Brown, another designer I worked for while in LA — although I had a construction background from being on job sites with my dad when I was younger, I wasn’t the one directing a job site at that young age (obviously!). But when I worked with Ryan, he helped train me and allow me to learn from the contractors, subcontractors, and artisans we worked with on site to understand the process of construction from start to finish. Both have really given me a well-rounded perspective on interior design.

Thank you for that. Here is the main question of our discussion. What are your “5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

1. Add fresh florals or greenery — even just a flower in a bud vase can liven up a space!

2. Scent — add a candle or diffuser with a scent that speaks to you — I love grapefruit and citrus scents and feel that they always give me more energy in my space.

3. Soft, cozy textures — having furniture that has comfortable textures is a great place to start. If you already have your key pieces, adding soft pillows or throws bring warmth and comfort to a space.

4. Bring the outside in — framing your windows in soft curtains or using shades that allow you to really optimize your outside view helps bring nature into the space and that is very grounding.

5. Artwork — bringing in pieces of art that speak to each individual can really bring individual joy — I personally like adding artwork with pops of color into a neutral space.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. 🙂

There are SO many things I am passionate about, but currently I am really into health and wellness — maybe because of everything surrounding Covid or just where I am at in my life. So, I would say I would start a movement around health and wellbeing and teach people all what they can do to be the healthiest, best version of themselves.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this, especially if we tag them 🙂

The Queen of England — she has seen so much and been through so much change throughout the decades that I would love to gain some of her life perspective and I’m sure she has some great lessons to impart!

How can our readers follow you on social media?

You can check out our portfolio and our projects on our website czarinteriors.com and follow us @czarinteriors on Instagram or like our page, Czar Interiors, on Facebook.

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational!

Lauren Czarniecki of Czar Interiors: 5 Things You Can Do To Help Your Living Space Spark More Joy was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.