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Women In Wellness: Jordane Maree of ‘Girl & Her Moon’ On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

An Interview With Candice Georgiadis

Look for beauty — In the small moments, in the giant leaps, in every step between, intentionally look for the beauty, for the love, for the wonder — because otherwise, we so often miss it. It can be so easy to seek out the dark, the difficult, the pain, the injustice. We have been taught to seek it out. And we have been taught that to see anything but is ignoring reality. But reality is not one sided. Reality is not one perspective. Reality is not one experience.

As a part of my series about the women in wellness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jordane Maree.

Jordane Maree is a speaker, writer, astrologer, energy worker and founder of Girl and Her Moon, a nurturing online space for Soul, Astrology, Energy and Tarot.

Through Girl and Her Moon, Jordane continues to hold the space for others to reconnect with themselves, reawaken wholeness, and nurture the safety required for deep inner healing.

Find more of her sharing, writing, and services at

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

It’s difficult to find a defining moment to begin my story with! My journey has been a step by step, very natural evolution to where I am today. It’s been a beautiful unfolding, with the usual ups and downs and messiness that life holds for each of us. I began Girl and Her Moon with that same very natural step by step journey with no idea that in the process I was creating a business, until I did realize. I desired, and still desire, to express. Beginning with social media and a blog, my intention was to express, to connect, and to feel a sense of belonging in a world that often had me feeling the opposite. To my absolute joy and gratitude, I found exactly that and so, so much more. What began as a blog grew into a global community. What began as one person sitting behind her screen pouring words onto a page grew into an international team of incredible soul-based women serving thousands each year though intimate and heart-led offerings. I still allow for that same natural unfolding in my life and business, resisting the tempting urge to control, micro-manage and over-plan. Meeting each step as it meets me, devoted to whatever is on my path. Excited for all that is to come.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

I think the most interesting story about my career and journey is that it wasn’t intentional. Like mentioned, I didn’t know I was creating a business, but looking back I can absolutely see that I was. The step into ‘business’ wasn’t actually my idea, either! It was my partners, Mustafa, who had the brilliant eye to witness the alignment of the community that I had built, with the talents and brilliance of his mother who is a tarot reader. That is when Girl and Her Moon was truly born, going from a hobby into a deeply impactful and service-based business. Girl and Her Moon now has three beautiful tarot readers, among others, holding the space for thousands every year. My main takeaway? The full picture doesn’t always come at first, sometimes we need to take the steps to allow things to really unfold before our eyes. And so, trust those steps, as big or small or clear or mysterious as they may seem.

Can you share a story about the biggest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

My biggest mistake has been a beautiful lesson, and truly a big part in the wholeness of reaching where I am today. Leaving myself to follow the processes, trends, and authorities of others. It can be incredibly easy, especially in the beginning of creating a business and brand, to look to everyone else to show you the way. It can be so easy to double, triple, quadruple guess yourself. It can be so easy to let the noise of business trends, how-to’s, ‘must-do’s’ get louder than the voice that guided you to begin in the first place. My biggest lesson has been that I began Girl and Her Moon because I knew the way (somewhere within me), because I saw the vision, and because I knew our community. I began my business because it was on my path. As much as support is needed, no one can tell me how to walk my own path, and my path doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. There is incredible strength and power in differentiating between those who desire to tell you what direction to move in, and those who trust in your vision and desire to support you on it. The latter is where true magic happens, knowing that one person can’t hold an entire business, brand, or company (even though we sometimes try!), one of my greatest joys right now is witnessing how others can contribute to my brand through their authentic expression. There will always be moments where we are stumbling through what feels like darkness, confusion, believing we have no idea where we are or how to get to where we desire, especially in the early days, but somehow it all comes together, especially when we trust that voice that guided us to begin in the first place.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

What a beautiful question! And easily a favorite topic of mine to explore. I truly, truly believe that health and wellness begin from within. I truly believe that to make a greater impact we must begin within. I truly believe fulfilment, expression, safety, harmony, and honestly, just about everything else, begins within. And that is what everything we do at Girl and Her Moon is based on and designed to hold the space for, your return to self. Allowing you to witness yourself, in all your beauty and strength, and all that you may have picked up on, learned, and taken on as your own that perhaps isn’t your truth. Returning to self amidst what can be such a loud world can be a sacred act of rebellion, and one that we whole-heartedly encourage. I believe that we have incredible guidance from within, call it your intuition perhaps, that when we surrender into with trust guides us into our greatest health; whether physical, mental, or emotional, as well our wellness. When we are coming from a space of belief in self, trust in self, safety and belonging from within, wellness develops, balance develops, and our own path to create impact develops.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.

1 . Trust yourself. If something feels ‘off’ trust that. If something pulls you in one direction, trust that. If it feels like your body is trying to tell you something, trust that and create the space and quiet to listen. Trust that what excites you is right for you. Trust that you have all that is required to begin to create the beautiful life that you desire.

The best mirror for me in my life has been my business, for others it can their families, their physical health, amongst many other things. But for me, it has been Girl and Her Moon. Mirroring to me that when I trust and take steps based on my own guidance, it leads me in directions and into experiences that I couldn’t fathom the beauty of at the time. When I ignore my guidance, I find lack, I find roadblocks, disharmony, and sometimes, what can feel like total failures in the moment.

There are so many women that I have connected with that have experiences of trusting, before anything else, themselves, especially when it comes to their health. At 21 I was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroidism after months, and many doctors, telling me there was nothing wrong with me. After a year ~ in natural treatment my thyroid was and is healthy and balanced, after doctors telling me I would need to be on medication for the rest of my life. Another powerful mirror for me to always trust myself, my guidance, and my body.

2. Surround yourself with safety — I know, we see everywhere that we need to constantly step out of our comfort zone to grow, and I agree with this. But what I believe is missing is the presence of true safety within our comfort zone. The kind of safety that the body requires for regulation, for our nervous system to be able to navigate through the ups and downs and crazy sideways of life. The kind of safety that is required for our hearts to fully open, feel and trust life and self again. The kind of safety we need to be held in before we hold up a mirror and see all of ourselves; what we have labelled as good or bad or what we have accepted or haven’t. The kind of safety that gives us footing to stand on before we step out of our comfort zone.

Again, my business is my mirror. There were many times I tried to ‘step out of my comfort zone’ where my body would go into total shock, where I simply couldn’t, and wondered how and why it seemed like everyone around me was doing big bold things and I couldn’t. It’s only been when I’ve devoted to creating a sense of safety that I have been able to take the steps that I’m guided to take. I believe this is a lifelong process, but I have found it through simple, yet consistent, somatic practices like breathwork, meditation, slowly letting my guard down with others, expressing in the most natural way for me (writing, singing, yoga), trusting the signals of my body, and giving myself a giant permission slip to move at the pace that is right for me.

3. Simplify/Get back to basics — Does it bring you joy? Does it feel right for you? Does it nourish your body or self? Not only are we masters at complicating everything we can, but there is often this belief that the more complicated or complex something is, the more advanced or worthy it is (or we are, for pursuing it). I have found that when I come back to my basics, like nourishing my body, like following my excitement or doing things for the simple joy of them, things somehow begin to move into place around me. My life isn’t separate to my business, my life isn’t separate to my health, or my relationships, or any other category that we create to compartmentalize our experience of life with. I believe that when I feed myself, I am feeding the greater eco system of my life and all that I experience within my life. When I am getting back to my basics, my foundations, like my health, joy, and more, not only is that feeding my wellbeing, but it is feeding every other ‘category’ of my life.

4. Witness yourself — I was going to say ‘monitor’ yourself, but the action of monitoring can hold a sense of judgement — that one way is good, and the other is bad, or that we need to vigilant and micro-manage every thought, action, reaction. So instead, witness yourself, without judgement, with curiosity, with the knowing that healing and growth comes from the awareness of what is present.

Witness your thoughts, are they nourishing you and the life that you get excited thinking about creating? Witness your reactions, are they coming from your truth, or are they coming from a wound or something that is asking for your attention? Or are they coming from a belief system that perhaps isn’t true to you? Witness your habits. Again, are your habits feeding you, nourishing you, serving you? If you could see yourself as deeply worthy, beautiful, sacred even… Do the habits that you hold match this perspective? This is what you deserve.

5. Look for beauty — In the small moments, in the giant leaps, in every step between, intentionally look for the beauty, for the love, for the wonder — because otherwise, we so often miss it. It can be so easy to seek out the dark, the difficult, the pain, the injustice. We have been taught to seek it out. And we have been taught that to see anything but is ignoring reality. But reality is not one sided. Reality is not one perspective. Reality is not one experience.

Pain can be present where beauty is also. And so, we honor both. We honor all.

Leaning into the beauty that this life holds creates the safety that we require to navigate this human experience. From moments as simple as taking a walk and noticing a flower or stopping to witness the pure love in a child’s eyes, or the excitement in a puppies run, to moments as big as looking at how much we have grown through what was painful or seeking out the silver lining in each experience. How can you look for beaty? How can you intentionally seek it out in your day? Beauty is always present, around and within us, and it takes intention to undo the habit and belief that to witness it is ignorance.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

I know I am repeating myself, but it would be learning to listen to self, listen to how your intuition guides you and how your body speaks to you. There is so much empowerment here. So much fulfilment here. So much self-trust that can be found here!

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

  1. Your journey is supposed to be joyous! — I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve found it can be so easy to get so serious about everything all the time. Especially in business! Or perhaps motherhood, or fitness — really any experience. For me, where there is joy there is alignment, and where there is alignment there is fulfilment. Two beautiful questions to witness when things are getting a bit heavy are; do I need to bring joy into this experience? Or, is this experience still what I desire?
  2. Give things space/time to mature. — Including yourself, including your business, including every aspect of life. It can be so easy to rush through things, to see where others are and expect yourself to be there tomorrow. By nature, I haven’t always been the most patient person, it’s something that I continuously breathe into and bow my head in a reminder to — allowing things to evolve and unfold at a pace that is natural and allowing myself to go at a pace that nourishes me. So often we rush through our experience with this need to fit into a timeline that has nothing to do with us. So often we move at a pace that empties us, drains us. So often we judge and belittle ourselves for being where we are. It’s been a tough lesson, to accept that oftentimes, things just need the space to breathe, evolve, and grow. It’s been a beautiful lesson to accept that my body and energy doesn’t desire to always move at a million miles an hour, and in fact, when I force it to, I actually miss the whole point.
  3. There is no pre-requisite for living your truth. — And by living your truth, I mean creating and experience what you desire for your life, no matter how far away that can sometimes feel. You don’t need to have it all figure out. You don’t need to have a major in business or know how to do SEO. You don’t need to be a master at accounting or understand every detail of social media algorithms. You don’t need to be an extrovert or know all the right people. If there are things that your path requires you to learn, you do so as you go. You don’t need to look a certain way or fall into a certain category; whatever that assumption may be for the life you desire to create. You don’t even need to understand the full extent of what you desire to create or be. It unfolds as we take steps. There are no pre-requisites. You can take a step as you are, who you are, with what you know and the experience, as little or extensive, you have.
  4. Overworking doesn’t fill any internal gap — There is a deep seeded hustle mentality that feeds the ‘overworking from a sense of lack’ path. A sense of lack that often comes from a disconnect with self. A sense of lack that comes from a sense of unworthiness, or more accurately, an unawareness of one’s worth that objectively exists. Overworking does not feed any perceived internal lack. Outside achievement doesn’t feed any perceived internal lack. Which is why, I’ll repeat again (and probably forever!), returning home to self is the most empowering dedication we can make. Because it is here that we will begin to return to wholeness, where what we perceived as lack proves itself otherwise.
  5. Listen/learn with discernment — There are a million and one business coaches available, and I’m grateful for it. There are a million and one mindset coaches, or healers, or readers — and I’m grateful for it. But just because someone has experience, or because they are confident in their process, or have created success in their terms, doesn’t mean that their journey is aligned with yours, and it doesn’t mean you should, ever, abandon yourself or your guidance, for theirs. I always do my best to listen with discernment. To filter the advice or guidance of others through my own filter. All experiences and perspectives can be different, opposing even, and still co-exist in truth. It’s about tuning into what is true and right for you.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

I would say mental health. And I would go a step further and say energetic and spiritual health, and I would also take it physical health, and nervous system health. I would also say emotional health, as I believe they are all interconnected.

Through witnessing myself and my journey, I think that when we are in a true, fulfilling, balanced and nurturing relationship with our mental selves, physical selves, and spiritual selves, we naturally have deeper compassion for the Earth and therefore sustainability practices and/or veganism. I also believe that a healing and balanced self on all levels creates more spaciousness to make change in one’s life and to make decisions that are toward the direction we desire to move in (e.g. Sustainability) instead of from habit or exhaustion.

What is the best way our readers can follow you online?

I would love to connect! You can find me and our team at or follow along with us on Instagram & TikTok: @girlandhermoon, or Facebook & Pinterest: Girl and Her Moon.

Thank you for these fantastic insights!

Women In Wellness: Jordane Maree of ‘Girl & Her Moon’ On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help… was originally published in Authority Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.